Use of Crystalloid and Colloid Solutions in Cardiopulmonary Bypass: LiteratureReview and Clinical Applications




Prime solution, Crystalloid, Colloid, Extracorporeal circulation, Cardiopulmonary bypass


Prime solutions are solutions used during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) procedures to remove air by filling the circulatory system.  Prime solutions are solutions used during CPB procedures and are intended to remove air by filling the circulatory circuit. These solutions are generally divided into two main categories: crystalloid and colloid. Crystalloid solutions are more cost-effective and rapidly distributed in the body, while colloids provide effective volume support by maintaining intravenous volume for a longer period of time. The choice of prime solution is based on various factors such as the patient's health status, specific surgical intervention requirements and potential allergic reactions. An ideal prime solution should be carefully selected to cause minimal inflammatory responses while providing effective haemodilution.

Most patients undergoing cardiac surgery require circulatory support with CPB. During CPB, maintaining acid-base balance and electrolyte levels of body fluids has important effects on various organ systems. These organ systems include the central nervous system, the urinary system and the circulatory system, and affecting these systems can directly affect the outcome of cardiac surgery. However, worldwide research has shown significant variation in CPB techniques and prime solution preparation. The reasons for these differences and their impact on clinical outcomes remain unclear, and the choice of CPB prime solutions is often based on personal preference and historical beliefs. This review was written to emphasise the importance, types and selection criteria of prime solutions used during cardiopulmonary bypass procedures.


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How to Cite

Coşkun, M. B., Egi, K., & Cicek, A. (2024). Use of Crystalloid and Colloid Solutions in Cardiopulmonary Bypass: LiteratureReview and Clinical Applications. MEHES JOURNAL, 2(3), 58–67.



Review Articles