Knowledge Levels Of Cardiovascular Surgery Intensive Care Nurses About Delirium
Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures, Intensive Care, Delirium, NursingAbstract
Objective: This study was carried out in a descriptive study designed to examine nurses knowledge level about delirium working in the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit.
Materials and Methods: The research was conducted at a training and research hospital in Istanbul. A total of 73 nurses working in the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit participated voluntarily. Data were collected using the "Sociodemographic and Descriptive Information Form" and the "Delirium Knowledge Test for Intensive Care Nurses," which assesses nurses' knowledge about delirium. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 22.0.
Results: The mean "total delirium knowledge score" of the nurses was found to be 18.219 ± 3.888. The sub-dimension scores were as follows: "risk factors and causes of delirium" (6.603 ± 1.963), "delirium symptoms and types" (1.767 ± 0.993), "delirium outcomes" (2.548 ± 0.646), "delirium assessment" (1.863 ± 0.902), and "pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of delirium" (5.438 ± 1.364). The findings indicate that nurses' knowledge levels were generally moderate.
Discussion and Conclusion: While nurses demonstrated sufficient knowledge regarding delirium risk factors and symptoms, deficiencies were observed in the areas of patient evaluation and outcomes of delirium. Moreover, there is a misconception among nurses that non-pharmacological methods are ineffective in managing delirium. These findings highlight the importance of including comprehensive delirium education in nursing training programs, emphasizing practical techniques and theoretical knowledge.
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