Determination of Kefir Knowledge Levels and Consumption Habits of Associate Degree Students: The Case of Harran University




Kefir, Kefir Consumption, Nutrition, Health


Objective: This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and consumption patterns of kefir among associate degree students.

Material and Method: The study was carried out by online application of a 20-question questionnaire to 345 students studying at Harran University Vocational School of Health Services. The general information and demographic status of the participants were questioned and the information about the kefir consumption status, time, benefits and packaging choices of the students were measured.

Results: It was determined that 45.2% of the students consumed kefir and 54.8% did not consume kefir. The majority of those who consume kefir are between the ages of 18-25. While 53.8% of those who consume kefir prefer it because it is healthy, 34.6% like its taste. The biggest reason for those who do not consume it (55.6%) is that they do not like its taste. While 33.3% of the students prefer glass packaging, 48.7% do not care about the type of packaging. According to the study, kefir is generally consumed at variable times; the lowest consumption rate is before going to bed. 63.8% of the students think that kefir activates digestive metabolism. However, the rate of those who are undecided about other health benefits of kefir is high (e.g. 59.7% for its effect on blood pressure).

Discussion and Conclusion: The findings obtained show that kefir consumption is still low. It is thought that the students who participated in the research have limited knowledge about kefir and their habits of consuming healthy drinks are insufficient. The fact that the type of packaging is not important suggests that packaging is a secondary factor in terms of kefir popularisation. taste is a critical factor that needs to be considered to increase kefir consumption. The study also shows that perceived necessity and price are also important factors. The low rate of knowledge about the health benefits of kefir indicates a lack of awareness of the general benefits of probiotics. It is predicted that consumption will increase with the creation of a healthy beverage culture and raising awareness of young people about functional foods and probiotic foods.


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How to Cite

Gül Dikme, T., & Güneş, S. (2024). Determination of Kefir Knowledge Levels and Consumption Habits of Associate Degree Students: The Case of Harran University. MEHES JOURNAL, 2(3), 15–27.



Research Article